2008年8月21日 星期四

2008-08-21 Devotionals Today


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粵語  國語


讀經:   哥林多前書十六章1至4節







Day 21

Bible Reading:   1 Corinthians 16:1-4
We have had several readings in the 15th chapter of this epistle. We have seen some wonderful truths of the Gospel. We have seen the proof of the resurrection, and spoken of how and when this will happen. We have had our eyes turned to the time when Christ comes again. Now suddenly Paul introduces a new note altogether 'the collection for the saints'. Paul had his head in heaven, but his feet were well and truly on the ground down here.

This collection was for the poor saints in Jerusalem. Paul had started the collection possibly with the hope that somehow it might overcome some of the opposition which seemed to face him everywhere. There had been a famine in Jerusalem and Paul wanted to help those in very real need.

The Corinthians might not be able to go to Jerusalem; but they could send their money. When we give our money, in one way we are giving part of ourselves. The exact amount that the Corinthians were to give is not stated, but there is a wonderful principle laid down here. 'As the Lord has prospered you.' An amount was to be given every week according to what the Lord had given them the previous week.

In the Old Testament, that amount was always one tenth. If the Jews under the law had to give that amount, surely we who are under grace should give at least that much.

What Paul said to the Corinthians still holds good today. We should give regularly to the Lord's work. We should do it recognizing that what we have has come from the Lord. We should determine what amount we should give week by week and be as faithful in giving that as we are in paying other bills or accounts. It is something we owe to God and if we hold it, back from him there will be lost blessing in our lives.


What can I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me?
