2008年8月9日 星期六

2008-08-09 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   哥林多前書十章11至13節







Day 9

Bible Reading:   1 Corinthians 10:11-13
Our reading contains one of the most tremendous verses in the Bible. Verse 13 is one of the most encouraging and instructive verses in all of Paul's writings.

It speaks about temptation-something we all face. There are two words in the New Testament that are fairly close in spelling and meaning. One is testing; the other is tempting. God allows us to be tested to build up our faith. Satan comes tempting us so that he can pull us down spiritually and pull us away from God. He will use any means possible to try and do this.

Temptation comes to everyone. We may often think that the type of temptation facing us is the kind that no one else faces. This is a favourite trick of Satan-to make us think we are all alone even in this. But our verse says everyone faces the same kinds of temptations. That alone ought to be a big encouragement to us.

Remember too that temptation alone is not sin. Our Lord was tempted at all points like we are, but he did not sin. Many people think that they have done wrong simply because temptation has come into their lives. Temptation is like a spark of flame. If a spark falls on dry grass it will flare up immediately. If it falls into a bucket of water it will just as immediately go out. Our response to temptation is what counts most of all.

What are we to remember in the moment of temptation? Our verse says, 'God is faithful'. He will always provide a way by which we can escape. The way of escape may be strength to get out of the place of temptation. It may be to call on Christ at that moment for his help to defeat both Satan and the temptation. It may be something from the Word of God that will come into your mind just then.

Remember there will always be a way of escape if you will look for it and if you want it. God is always faithful.


Yield not to temptation-It is the yielding that is sin, and opens the doors for more sin.
