2008年8月17日 星期日

2008-08-17 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   哥林多前書十五章1至8節








Day 17

Bible Reading:   1 Corinthians 15:1-8
Paul's preaching of the Gospel never changed. The Gospel he had given to the Corinthians when he first went to their city was exactly the same Gospel he preached many years later when he wrote this letter.

Here he re-states the Gospel and does it in a remarkable way. Almost every word has something to say to us. Paul says they had 'received' the Gospel. It had come to them from outside themselves. They had not invented it; it had come to them from a messenger sent from God.

This message was one on which they could stand, a message of certainty that gave a wonderful sense of security. Through the Gospel they were being saved. The work was still going on in their hearts.

The Gospel was something they were to hold on to. Life makes many attempts to take our faith away from us, but here was something they had to cling to.

Paul turns to the message of the Gospel and speaks about the fact that Christ died for our sins. It is easy to say, 'I believe Christ died'. We need to go further and say, 'I believe Christ died for my sins! It had been foretold in the Old Testament that Christ would come, he would die and be buried. The third day he would rise again from the dead. All of these things Paul says were according to the Old Testament Scriptures. This was not done on the spur of the moment. It had all been planned by God for our salvation and we can rejoice in it today.

This means Jesus Christ is alive today and that is what Paul said. He could never forget that day on the road to Damascus when he met Jesus Christ. It. had changed his whole life. Resurrection changed the body of Christ. The fact of the resurrection changed the apostles and later Paul. What has it done in your life?


The greatest evidence of Christ's resurrection is a complete change. Can that be seen in me?
