2008年8月19日 星期二

2008-08-19 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   哥林多前書十五章35至45節







Day 19

Bible Reading:   1 Corinthians 15:35-45
It is easy to ask questions for which we don't have the answers. For example, 'How old will children be in heaven? How will God bring back bodies that have gone to dust hundreds of years ago? Even in Paul's day people asked questions like this. Many were also asking what kind of bodies Christians would have in the resurrection when Christ returns'.

These are very natural questions. Paul says the answer can be seen in our garden or on our farm. In nature, life comes out of death. Men think that the opposite is true that death is the end of life. But you cannot have a resurrection unless you first have death. You cannot have a plant unless you have a seed. That seed must be placed in the ground and die. Then new life comes from it.

The new life or shoot will not look like the seed you planted. The seed may have been black or brown or even white. The shoot is green. The seed may have been very small. The shoot may be big, yet it came from the seed. As it grows it will always be exactly what you planted. Tomato seeds give tomato plants. Flower seeds give flower plants and so on. You will have your own body, but it will be vastly different. Now it is a natural body. Then it will be a spiritual body. Now it is a weak body subject to illness. Then it will be a powerful body which illness will never be able to touch.

God gave you your natural body. He will give you your spiritual body. Don't despise the body God has given you. He designed it just for you.

Life comes out of death, so resurrection will follow the death of our bodies. We are not told much about the bodies of the unsaved at the resurrection, but our own bodies will be wonderful. Best of all they will be like Christ's own body.


'Lord help me to know the resurrection power of Jesus Christ in my life today, helping me to live a new life now.
