2008年8月13日 星期三

2008-08-13 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   哥林多前書十二章4至11節








Day 13

Bible Reading:   1 Corinthians 12:4-11
What is a spiritual gift? It is a certain ability given to a Christian by the Spirit of God to enable that person to serve within the body of Christ, the Church. The Holy Spirit gives these abilities to every believer when they are born again.

Unfortunately, in the Church at Corinth the members had misunderstood the purpose of these gifts and used them to try and impress others. Some seemed to have been envious of the gifts other people had.

Paul tried to correct this situation. These chapters are most helpful in understanding the place and purpose of the gifts.

The gifts given by the Holy Spirit are for service within the Church or in evangelising the world. We cannot say that too often. They are to be used to glorify Christ and to build up other believers or to win men or women to Christ.

What are some of these gifts? They are as different as the various parts of the human body. Look at the list given at the end of this chapter in verses 28 and 29. Some are called to be missionaries and are given the gifts that they will need. Some are called to be teachers and have a far different ministry. Some are to help behind the scenes and are given the gift of helping. Some are evangelists and have a special love and ability for winning the lost. We are all different. When we are all doing what God has called and enabled us to do by the gifts he has given, then the Church is functioning as it should.

What gift do you have? If you don't know the answer could you ask another Christian to think about that question, and then tell you what they think? Could you ask the Lord to make clear to you what your gift is? Make yourself available to him and you will soon find out what your gift is.


'Lord, I thank you for my gift. Help me to see it and use it for you.'
