2008年8月20日 星期三

2008-08-20 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   哥林多前書十五章51至58節







Day 20

Bible Reading:   1 Corinthians 15:51-58
Some day a most unusual event will take place. Millions of people will suddenly and completely disappear from the earth. They will vanish from every country in the world and from every town. Most amazing of all, they will all disappear, at the same time. They will include older people, middle aged, teenagers and even babies. When will this happen? How?

It will all take place at the return of Jesus Christ from heaven. In our reading yesterday we talked about resurrection which follows death. Today we speak of instant change for those who are still alive when Christ comes.

Paul says 'I will tell you exactly what will happen'. Just as the people who have died' trusting in Christ will have resurrection bodies, those who are alive when Christ comes will be changed as they go to meet the Lord. They will not go through the experience of death.

There will be one whole generation of Christians who will be given resurrection bodies without dying. This will not be something which happens gradually. It will be instantaneous. Their bodies will be like Christ's body. It will all happen when Christ comes back again, we are told in several places in the New Testament.

Paul says this message gives us a new hope. He asks two questions. 'Where is the sting of death for the Christians?' 'Where is the victory of the grave?' The sting that is in death comes from fear brought about by the fact of our sin. The law has made this clear-all men are sinners and therefore deserve death. But Christ paid sin's penalty and death now takes us without fear into the presence of Christ.

Resurrection prevents the grave from holding us forever. No wonder Paul could shout, 'Thanks be unto God who gives us the victory'.


How much do you know of that victory in your life now?
