2008年8月7日 星期四

2008-08-07 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   哥林多前書九章19至27節








Day 7

Bible Reading:   1 Corinthians 9:19-27
Here is another of Paul's great written statements which tell us so much about the man himself, as well as being a tremendous challenge to us.

Paul was willing, even eager, to preach the gospel anywhere, at any time, to anyone. He looked on every contact as an opportunity to tell someone else about Christ. This was his life work and the great desire of his heart. He had a deep sense of dedication to the work of Christ because he was so devoted to the person of Christ.

Paul was willing to get alongside people in order to speak to them of Christ. If the person lived in a certain way Paul was willing to share that way of life with him so that he could speak of Christ. Too often we are not in touch with people who really need Christ because we do not want to share their circumstances. Paul was willing to be all things to all men so that he might win some to Christ.

In the last few verses of our reading Paul tells us something we would never have known had he not told us. Paul never let his body or his physical needs rule his life. He made sure that his body served Christ as much as his soul and spirit. He was never afraid of being lost, but he was afraid that after he had pointed others to Christ, he might fail to be the Christian he ought to be.

It is possible today to be a Christian and to be indwelt by the Spirit of God and yet to be controlled by the flesh and its appetites. It is just as possible to live under the control of the Spirit of God and to know victory in these things day by day.

Paul was willing for his whole life to be dedicated to Christ. It cost him a great deal throughout his life and finally life itself. But he thought it worthwhile, for the privilege of knowing Christ and serving him. What does that say to us today?

'Only one life, 'twill soon be past.

Only what's done for Christ will last.'
