What do you think is the most wonderful part of this story? Do you think it was the healing of the paralysed man or do you think it was the faith of the four men who brought him to Christ? We would love to know more details about it all. Who suggested this stretcher bearing? When they got to the house, who said, 'Let's go up to the roof'? Where did they find ropes to help them lower the sick man down in front of Christ? What did the friends do afterwards? Was the sick man very grateful for all that they did? Did they put the roof back afterwards? The faith of the four men certainly spoke to Jesus. He seemed thrilled with the whole situation, rather than being bothered by the interruption. He gladly did two things. First he said that the man's sins were forgiven. Then he told him to get up and walk. The man did so and was healed immediately! Is there any lesson for us here today? What will it take to bring some of our neighbours and friends to Christ? It may take our active friendship. Just like those four men long ago, our friends may need us to bring them face to face with Jesus Christ. Are we prepared to do it? Who is there that you are praying for that they might be saved? As their friend, do you need to take one step more and help them find Christ? What bridge of friendship could you build that might begin the process of bringing them to him? Could you ask God today to help you be a true friend to your friends and bring them to Christ? This man's greatest need was spiritual. It is the same for your friends. A PRAYER: 'Lead me to some soul today O teach me, Lord, just what to say.' |