2008年4月18日 星期五

2008-04-18 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   詩篇八十四篇







「我的恩典夠你用的。」 哥林多後書十二章9節

Day 18

Bible Reading:   Psalm 66: 8 – 20
The Bible encourages us to pray at least every day. Our Lord said we should ask God day by day for our daily bread. David said 'morning, noon and night will I pray'. Daniel prayed three times a day. How often do we pray?

The Bible also says that when I pray in the name of Christ and in the will of God, I can expect God to answer. But sometimes he doesn't answer. Why not?

God has shown us in his Word some of the reasons why he can't always answer. There are two main areas which are mentioned – the home and the heart.

Do you realise that a wrong attitude between husband and wife can stop God answering our prayers? Read 1 Peter 3:7. This can apply to our relationships with others too, but here Peter is saying very plainly to husbands 'Be right with your wife as well as right with God, if you expect your prayers to be answered'. Does that say anything to you today?

Then what about our hearts? When there is unconfessed sin in the heart God does not answer prayer. Read Isaiah 59:1-2. God cannot say 'sin is wrong for the unsaved, but it is all right for the Christian'. Does that speak to you today?

An unforgiving spirit can stop answers to our prayers. Read what Christ said in Matthew 6:14. Forgiving someone else is sometimes the hardest thing we are faced with, but if we want to be what God wants us to be; if we want God to answer our prayers, we need to forgive those whom we think have sinned against us. Read Ephesians 4:32 also.

These hindrances can all be taken away. Repentance and confession are the first steps. Do you need to take them today? It could be the beginning of a new life of prayer, victory and blessing. Do you want that? Are you willing to do that today?
