2008年4月24日 星期四

2008-04-24 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   出埃及記十三章17至22節







Day 24

Bible Reading:   Exodus 14: 10 – 22
The first big test for the Children of Israel came only a few days after they left Egypt. Pharaoh once more had changed his mind and was now chasing them to bring them back. He and his army were behind them while in front was the Red Sea. What could they do? Where could they go?

First, they complained to their human leader, Moses. They should have been crying out to God but instead all they could do was complain.

Moses gave them some wonderful words in reply (v.13). 'Don't be afraid! Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord'. 'The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent' (v.16).

That is exactly what God did. But notice how he did it. The people were on the west bank of the Red Sea, but God began to open up the sea from the east side (see v.21). In other words, the way across was being opened up for them, but it was not until the last minute that it was clear right up to where they were standing. Think this through for yourself.

God often works like that. We think he is doing nothing, yet all the time he is opening up the way ahead. Suddenly it is all clear to us.

Then notice how in verses 19 and 20 the pillar of fire, the symbol of God's presence, moved around to come between the enemy and God's people. God did not allow the Egyptians to move forward until his own people were safe on the other side of the sea.

When our circumstances seem to be against us, let's remember that our God is greater than those circumstances. He can still hold back our enemy, Satan. When we are afraid let us trust in God who is already planning our deliverance.
