This plague of darkness was the ninth of the punishments God brought on Egypt. The Egyptians worshipped the sun god, Ra. Yet that god was powerless to stop the God of creation from shutting out the light of the sun! What effect did those plagues have on Pharaoh and the Egyptians? Pharaoh several times suggested ideas or plans to Moses about who should leave Egypt or how they should go, but Moses simply replied, 'All or nothing'. These suggestions of Pharaoh's are very interesting. They sound so like the suggestions Satan makes to Christians today. Here are some of them: Don't go very far away (8:25-28). What does Satan say today? 'Be a Christian but don't get too excited about it.' Let the men go, but leave your families behind (10:10-11). 'It's all right for you, but don't try and make anyone else believe like you do.' Let the people go, but leave all your flocks behind (10:24). 'Be a Christian if you want to, but don't let it touch the rest of your life, certainly not your giving.' Don't those suggestions sound familiar? What was Moses' answer each time? 'All or nothing!' The only way to be obedient to God is to do all that he wants, in the way he wants and at the time he wants. That is the way of blessing. Satan continually tries to persuade us to live on a lower level than God desires for us. If we listen to his voice, the result will be that we will always miss out on God's best. God is waiting to bless us, but first of all he wants our obedience. Does he have that in your life and mine? A THOUGHT: We are never told to ask for blessing. We are told to be obedient, then blessing will follow. |