2008年11月30日 星期日

2008-11-30 Devotionals Today


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讀經:   以賽亞書四十章12-18節、25、26節







Day 30

Bible Reading:   Isaiah 40:12-18, 25, 26
One of the most thrilling songs that has been written in recent years is known by one line 'How great thou art'. Something of the same thought comes to us as we read these verses. You could read this whole chapter today. You would be thrilled and blessed by all that it has to say about our God.

Notice verse 12. What is as vast as the ocean? What is greater than space? What is the weight of the earth and the mountains? Yet God is greater than all these things. In fact he created them all.

Who told God how to create the earth? No-one! And he did not need any help. It was only later that he created man to enjoy what God had already brought into being.

What about the so-called mighty nations of the earth? Did you ever see one drop of water falling from the edge of an otherwise empty bucket? That little drop is what the mighty nations are really like in comparison with the power of God. Look at verse 26. God is so great he calls all the stars by their separate names. Yet astronomers tell us that there are more than 100 million different systems of stars with enormous distances between them. It is beyond our imagination to think of travelling to them. Yet God keeps everyone of them in place. Not one is missing.

Does that mean God is so great he can't be bothered with caring for you and me? Turn back to verse 11. Think through the beautiful picture given to us of the loving kindness and care of our God. We are told he will care for his children like a shepherd cares for his sheep, meeting every need. He will give special care to the Iambs-the young ones. In fact he will carry them when they need to be carried. For those who have special needs he will give special attention. He will be gentle with them all.

Isn't it a blessing to your heart to think of the gentleness of God? Has God ever dealt with you harshly? He may have disciplined you but he did it in love as you did it for your children. You thanked him for it afterwards, didn't you? This is our God-so great, there is no-one greater, so loving, there is no-one kinder. Thank him today for what he is.
