2008年11月23日 星期日

2008-11-23 Devotionals Today


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讀經:   以賽亞書六章8至13節








DA Y23
Day 23

Bible Reading:   Isaiah 6:8-13
God never leaves us in the place of conviction once we have confessed our sins. It may take some time for us to realise the full forgiveness of God. However God acts immediately when we confess our sin and seek his forgiveness.

On the altar which Isaiah saw there was a fire. An altar speaks of sacrifice and a sacrifice speaks of blood being shed. The shedding of blood is God's way for cleansing.

A live coal was brought to touch Isaiah's lips-that which God was going to use most of all. Cleansed lips meant he was ready to carry God's messages to God's people.

Then came the call. Isaiah overhears God speaking within the Trinity. God is seeking a messenger. What should Isaiah do? He offers himself and God immediately accepts. It all came about as the result of Isaiah being in the presence of God, of knowing deep fellowship with him. If our service came out of that same atmosphere there would be a tremendous difference in its effectiveness.

Isaiah's offer is accepted and God says 'GO'. But did you notice the words of the remaining verses? Did God promise Isaiah immediate success of even long-range success? No, God said 'I am sending you but the people will not listen. They will reject you and will even kill you.' Isaiah asked, 'Lord, how long shall I carryon this ministry?' And God replied, 'Until there is no-one left to listen'. What a discouraging prospect! Yet Isaiah undertook the task God gave him. We are still thanking God today for the words of the man who was commissioned in this way.

Are we willing for that kind of service? We are often so unwilling for God's ways. Self is so much alive. We want every bit of praise and thanks which we can get. Are those the marks of a life dead to self and alive in Christ? Is the servant any greater than his master? Was Christ well received? Was he really appreciated? It is the way the master went, should not the servant tread it still?

REMEMBER: The pathway of the cross is always the pathway of final blessing.
