2008年11月3日 星期一

2008-11-03 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   馬太福音四章17至25節







Day 3

Bible Reading:   Matthew 4:17-25
It must have been a great moment when Jesus Christ began his ministry. First he started preaching. Then he called his first disciples to follow him.

His message was the same as that of John the Baptist (see chapter 3:1, 2). It remains the same today. We do not preach the need of repentance as we should. Men and women can be drawn by the love of God or by fear of hell. But sometime they must realise their condition as sinners and express sorrow for their sin.

Jesus preached wherever he went. Preaching is making known God's message and God's Word. Who could do that better than the Son of God himself? He often said God had sent him. His first public statement was that God had anointed him to preach the gospel to the poor and needy (Luke 4:16-18).

However Jesus needed men who would carryon his ministry after he had gone back to heaven. He wanted them to be with him all through his time on earth so they would learn from him and from being with him night and day.

He did not call popular, important men, but ordinary fishermen and others. He still needs those who will give him their undivided obedience and attention.

Jesus began his ministry in the area where he had been brought up-Galilee. It is said that in the time of Jesus, Galilee was thickly populated and contained over 200 villages.

Probably in every village there was a synagogue, which was the teaching centre for young and old. Jesus found an open door for his message in these synagogues before the rulers started to turn against him.

News of his ministry spread through the whole land. He met the need of all who came. He showed his power by healing all kinds of illness. But his great desire was to heal people's souls. That is still his greatest longing today. How can we help him fulfil this desire?
