2008年11月28日 星期五

2008-11-28 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   以賽亞書四十章1至8節




早在以色列民要面對被擄之苦的很久之前,先知以賽亞便預告了神的赦免和安慰。亨利(Matthew Henry)在他的注釋中指出:「神在百姓經歷被擄之前,神便已經賜給他們寶貴的應許,讓它成為他們痛苦中的力量和安慰。我們試想像一下,當他們置身在黑暗歲月的時候,這預言將會在他們的心中發出何等榮耀的光輝;當他們在巴比倫的河邊痛哭的時候,這應許如何能抹乾他們的眼淚。」




Day 28

Bible Reading:   Isaiah 40:1-8
The remaining chapters of Isaiah contain some of the most wonderful passages in the Bible. They speak of the greatness of God the Father, the ministry of God the Son and the outpouring of God the Holy Spirit.

This amazing 40th chapter looks forward to the return of the Children of Israel from Babylon-a return that was still almost 200 years ahead. Isaiah projects himself to the end of a captivity that had not yet begun. He speaks also of the coming and ministry of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, and of Christ himself.

One of the most helpful messages anyone can give is a message of comfort when it is needed. God is often spoken of in the Bible as the one who comforts his children. He is the God of all-comfort and the God of all-grace. In other words he offers grace to meet every need.

The first condition for receiving comfort is that sin must be dealt with and put away. Verse 1 speaks of comfort and verse 2 tells Israel her sin has been pardoned. God's Word teaches constantly that there can be no fellowship and therefore no comfort while sin, guilt and fear hang between us and God.

Isaiah prophesied these words long before the time they speak of. Can you see how that is just like God? Matthew Henry comments: 'Before God sent his people into captivity he furnished them with precious promises for their support and comfort in their trouble. We may well imagine of what great use the glorious light of this prophecy was to them in that dark and cloudy day and how much it helped to dry up their tears by the waters of Babylon.

Isn't that just what God does for us today? Before an event happens, the Lord graciously prepares us for it and often gives us a promise that will see us through whatever may come. So whatever your circumstances claim his promises, believe his Word. He will see you through.

REMEMBER: God keeps all his promises to those who obey him.
