2008年11月26日 星期三

2008-11-26 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   以賽亞書三十七章14至20節






Day 26

Bible Reading:   Isaiah 37:14-20
Is it really worthwhile to trust in God? Does God really answer prayer? In this story (chapters 36-38) we find one of the great answers in the Bible to these questions. This incident can teach us how much God will do for a child of his who prays. The verses we have read are the heart of the story.

Hezekiah had received a letter from the King of Assyria saying that he would return later to destroy Jerusalem. Hezekiah did not try to answer the letter. He took it into the Temple and spread it out before the Lord. He asked God to deal with the situation. Experience had shown how tremendously powerful the King of Assyria was and human wisdom would have said, 'It's no use-just do what he asks'. Satan very often says that to God's people today.

What did Hezekiah do (v.14)? He went up into the house of God to pray. Faith turns to God immediately and instinctively. It was Hezekiah who wrote the 46th Psalm which begins 'God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble'.

Notice how Hezekiah asked God to do certain things. He did not just say 'Lord do whatever you can'. He recognised the greatness of God. He asked God to hear his prayer. He told God the problem and then said, 'Lord deal with these people and do it now'. God answered Hezekiah and honoured his faith.

Have there been circumstances like this in your life, perhaps even today? Is there something facing you for which you do not have the answer? Take it to the Lord in faith and prayer. Spread the whole matter out before him. Ask him to deal with it.

Don't listen to the voice of Satan. He will say 'It's no use-you may as well give it all up. God doesn't listen to you. He won't answer.' Satan is so very clever in putting thoughts like these in our minds.

But the Christian must, as Hezekiah did, put the whole creation in God's hands and watch him answer. Why not do that right now?
