2008年11月10日 星期一

2008-11-10 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   馬太福音六章25至34節








Day 10

Bible Reading:   Matthew 6:25-34
Our biggest troubles often never come. We worry about troubles when we would be better off praying about them. The message to us is 'Leave your future in God's hands. It is safe there.' Someone has said that Christ gave seven reasons why we should not worry. Can you see them for yourself? Mark them in your Bible.

What does it mean to worry? The Bible doesn't use the word worry, but there are other words that mean the same. 'Anxious' is one. 'Care' is another. Worry is fighting tomorrow's battles today. Worry is concern over the future- over something we can probably do nothing about- something we aren't even sure will happen.

The one who worries is looking into the future, afraid of what he thinks might happen and how he could cope with it. Because he can't be sure, it begins to tear him apart. He can think of nothing else and talk about nothing else. It affects every area of his life.

But what did Christ say? Live one day at a time, remembering that tomorrow belongs to God. Christ was not saying 'Don't do any planning'. He was saying 'Don't do any worrying'.

To help us, Christ spoke about the birds. No-one works harder than birds in gathering their food. You watch and see how busy they are each day. But they take each day as it comes. God has provided in the world of nature all that they need. Take a lesson from them!

It seems that Jesus loved flowers (v. 28, 29). He pointed out that if God poured all the beauty and fragrance into flowers that live only a few days, don't you think he is willing to look after his children in the same generous divine way?

What is Christ's final word on this subject? If we put God first in every area of our lives, he will see to it that we have all that we need for this life and the next. Verse 33 is one that we all should know word for word. It ought to be the keynote of our lives. Remember always the words of verse 32 'Your heavenly Father knows'.
