2009年1月14日 星期三

2009-01-14 Devotionals Today


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讀經:   但以理書六章16至28節







Day 14

Bible Reading:   Daniel 6:16~28
King Darius was obviously upset, not with Daniel, but with himself. Verse 14 tells us that he was greatly distressed over the whole situation. It was almost a constitutional crisis. But there was no way open to him except to obey his own decree. He had allowed the crowd to rush him into a wrong decision. Now both he and Daniel had to face the consequences.

Can we imagine that walk to the lion's den? The king in anguish, walked slowly with Daniel who was cool, confident and full of faith. As Daniel was thrown into the pit, Darius almost apologized. He certainly gave a remarkable acknowledgement of Daniel's God and His power (v.16).

Then Darius went home but could not sleep. Daniel spent a comfortable night on the den floor. The lions apparently slept well too. They were not in control of their own den as they usually were. God and Daniel were in control and the lions were unable to touch their intended victim.

What was the secret of their inaction? Daniel said it (v.22), "My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me."

Darius asked a remarkable question. It is often repeated today. It may be asked silently by our neighbours and friends. "Is the God you serve, the God you pray to, adequate to meet the needs and the crises of your life?" Our answer should be as strong and clear as Daniel's. "Yes, He certainly is!"

What can we do when severe tests come to us? Quietly in faith we must commit ourselves and the outcome of the test to our faithful God who knows best and leave it all with Him.

God may deliver us in one way or another, but sometimes he may not. His sovereign will is sometimes very different from what we plan or desire. But He knows best and He will carry us through our situation in a way that will bring the greatest glory to Him. Trust Him. He knows what He is doing.
