2009年1月29日 星期四

2009-01-29 Devotionals Today


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讀經:   啟示錄五章9至14節






Day 29

Bible Reading:   Revelation 5:9-14
The strongest motivation in a Christian's life should be his or her concern for the glory of God. The final test of all our work and conduct is this. It will be the test of everything at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

What did Paul say to the Corinthians? "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Co 10:31) Can we write that across our lives? Across our service for Christ? Can we write it across what we have done today? Or what we have read or said?

What about our church activities? Why are we doing what we are doing? Does the shadow of self over-cloud what we do? Are we only wanting others to praise the way we speak, teach, sing or work? We should recognize what the various church members are doing in the church and our recognition should be an encouragement to them. Paul encouraged everyone to whom he wrote.

However, there is a fine line drawn beyond which we cannot go in praise or in encouragement. God said it so plainly,

My glory will I not give unto another. (lsa 42:8) "I will not give my glory to another." What about our giving? Is it for the glory of God or for the praise of men? Lastly, what about our praying? Are we asking God for this or for that, simply to make life easier for us? Are we asking for blessing, so as to draw attention to ourselves or our work? "To God be the glory."

These are the final phrases of this remarkable prayer. What is actually the very last word we use as we say this prayer? "Amen". So be it. I agree. Here is my agreement. We can add too: "This is what I desire - all for the glory of God".
