2009年1月11日 星期日

2009-01-11 Devotionals Today


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讀經:   但以理書五章17至30節








Day 11

Bible Reading:   Daniel 5:17-30
The old Jewish man, aged possibly 80 or more, was standing in the middle of the Great Hall. He was looking alternately at the hand-written words high up on the wall and then at the drunken dissolute king.

There was no fear on the old man's face, only a remarkable poise and dignity. The faces around him, however, showed fear, terror and shock, almost mass hysteria. Was there a pronounced hush as the old man, Daniel, began to speak?

Keep your gifts. I don't want them, he said to the king. Summing up his message, Daniel was saying, "I had great respect for Nebuchadnezzar. I have none for you. You learn nothing from his experiences. Now God is dealing with you!"

No one had ever heard anyone speak to the king like that before. But Daniel had lived in the presence of God. When a man does that, like John the Baptist, he is not afraid of any king!

What was the condemnation? Look at verse 22: "You knew all this." God will always judge us on what we know. That will be one of the standards of judgment for all men. Then Daniel translated the words on the wall. "You have been weighed on the scales (of God) and found wanting. Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians."

The tragic fulfillment is there in verse 30. Everything Daniel said came true that night. God had the last word.

How does a person stand when God weighs him? Only the person of Christ can balance the scale of God. He does it for those who put their trust in Him. Everyone falls short in their own righteousness before God. But when we accept Christ as our Saviour, He takes our part and covers us with His righteousness. In that way and in that way alone, we can measure up to God's standards. Where does that leave you?

Are you watching your weight - spiritually? Do you know what you weigh in God's sight?
