2009年1月4日 星期日

2009-01-04 Devotionals Today


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 粵語  國語


讀經:   但以理書二章19至29節







Day 4

Bible Reading:   Daniel 2:19-29
How often do we remember to thank God for answering our prayers? We tend to give God our "shopping list" then neglect to thank Him except in very general terms for what He has already done for us. We need to be as specific in our thanks as we are in asking.

Daniel was an exception. His first action when God had revealed both the king's forgotten dream and its interpretation was to thank God for this remarkable display of His power (vv.20-23).

Notice Daniel's description of God's wisdom and powers when he was standing before Nebuchadnezzar. In a heathen court where the king had the power of life and death, Daniel was not afraid to speak of the greater power of his God. "There is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries," he said (v.28). Then he proceeded to outline both the dream and its interpretation.

This strange vision given to Nebuchadnezzar revealed the future for hundreds of years to come. How was this possible? It is simply because God knows the end from the beginning and He is still the same today. He knows our future and can guide us accordingly.

Basically the image Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream was a prophetic picture of successive future world empires. Each of them would rise, then fail and crash until finally Jesus Christ takes over the rulership of the world (v.44).

That event, the second coming of Christ, is the next step in God's plan to bring about the fulfillment of His promise to His Son that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow. How soon will that be? We do not know but Peter reminded us, (2 Pe 3:14) "So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him."

That should be our daily attitude. We need to live as if Jesus is coming today, yet to work as if He will not be coming for another generation. Are you expecting Jesus to come today? Are you ready to meet him?
