2009年1月19日 星期一

2009-01-19 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   路加福音十一章1至4節






Day 19

Bible Reading:   Luke 11:1-4
It is obvious that this is a family prayer. It belongs to all the children of God. It continually reminds us of the other members of God's family. The first word of the prayer is "Our". Each request uses a plural pronoun - "Give us this day our daily bread". Sometimes we pray as if we were the only child God has. Of course we are just as precious to Him as if we were. But we often pray rather selfishly for ourselves. We pray without very much thought for the rest of God's family.

But we are all bound together as part of God's family. I need to recognize that you have needs for which I should pray. The entire family must be touched by each others' needs. That is the true fellowship of prayer.

You might say, "I don't know all the other members of God's family." True, but do you pray for those you do know? You can always include the entire family as you pray sincerely and simply for fellow believers across the world.

The first word is "Our". The second is "Father". Each request is addressed to Him. We are children speaking to the same Father. He is our Father in heaven, our Almighty, Eternal and ever-loving Father.

No one can take the Father's place. No one can really do it in an earthly family. If the father in the home is gone, there is no one who can adequately replace him. Similarly, no one can take the place of our Heavenly Father. If He is not your Father now, then no matter who you are, you cannot truly pray this prayer. But Christ said that He (Christ) is the way to the Father. He is waiting to bring you into God's family. When you allow Him to do that (and not until then), you will be able to look up into God's face and call Him, "Our Father, my Father, who art in heaven".

You then will be able to tell your Heavenly Father about your daily needs, your present needs and your recurring needs. More than that you will be able to remind Him of the needs of other members of the family and share with them in the true fellowship of prayer. Remember how we start: "Our Father".
