Historians tell us that Babylon was the largest and most powerful city ever built in the ancient world. It was 25 square kilometres (15 square miles). Four chariots could drive alongside each other on top of its enormous wall. There were 53 temples in the city. It had a population of one and a quarter million. The king's palace was 10 kilometres in circumference. The throne room was about 50 metres long and 15 metres wide. The furnishings had been brought by Nebuchadnezzar from every part of his great empire. The king was saying to himself (v.30), "I have done it all." Then God spoke and said, "Time is up. I have waited long enough for you to acknowledge Me." (v.31) The judgment on the king was severe. For seven years he endured a form of insanity which made him act like an animal. He was stripped of everything about which he had been boasting. However, God is gracious. He kept the kingdom intact until Nebuchadnezzar came to himself and was accepted by his people once again (v.36). How did it happen? Like the prodigal son, he finally came to himself. In a moment of rationality, he raised his eyes to heaven and his sanity was restored. What a wonderful change immediately came into his life! More importantly that change came to his heart. Listen to his words in verse 34, "Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever." What a remarkable conversion. We can expect to meet Nebuchadnezzar in heaven. Notice also his testimony in verse 37. That message was sent to all his subjects (vv.1-2). When he acknowledged God, he wanted everyone to know it and he wanted them to do the same. Does that describe our desires today? Can God use our life and our words so that others will acknowledge Him too? |