2008年5月31日 星期六

2008-05-31 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語

第 31 天









Day 31

BIBLE READING: James 5: 13-20

The last challenge James gives us centres around prayer. He reminds us of the mighty power of prayer and uses the story of Elijah to tell us what God will do when we pray in faith. He also reminds us that Elijah was a man just like we are. Therefore there is no reason why we couldn't have the same results when we pray.

There is one thing, however, that can stand in a way of answers to prayer. That is sin, particularly sin against a fellow believer. James says 'get that kind of sin taken care of and you don't have enough faith. Nothing could be further from the truth.

God sometimes allows sickness to come and even remain, so that in those circumstances we might learn about his grace in a new way. That was the case with Paul and it has been so with many of God's saints through the ages.

But we certainly should pray for those who are sick. The whole church should pray for them. Very often God does raise up the one we have prayed for. Then we need to remember to give him the glory.

James finishes with a reminder of our duty toward one another, especially to a fellow believer who has fallen into sin. The most wonderful thing we can do for that person is to point them to the way of forgiveness in Christ. That is Christian love in action and Christian fellowship at its best.
