Day 14
BIBLE READING: Mark 9:9-29
The greatest lesson for us today is found in the final verse of our reading. The disciples had cast out demons before this, but now they couldn't do it. They couldn't understand why. Christ told them the answer very plainly. In verse 19 he has pointed out their lack of faith but in verse 29 he said that prayer was what was needed most of all.
They were powerless because they were prayerless. What does that say to us today? We so often long to see great things accomplished for God but somehow we seem so weak and the enemy seems so strong. Is the reason our lack of prayer?
The word which our Lord used here really means an attitude or a spirit of prayer - not just one moment of prayer. We could call it 'a life of prayer'. Christ was saying that only a life lived in dependence on God - a life that does not depend on its own strength in any way-could ever face up to a situation like this.
So the lesson for us from our reading is very clear, isn't it? If we are ever to be sufficient in the various situations that face us every day, we must be men and women who know how to pray. We need to give ourselves to praying more. Yet this is one of the hardest things we can do.
Satan does not want us to pray. Our own flesh does not want to pray. But if we want God's blessing and the strength and victory he can give, the answer is very simple - we need to pray. Can we ask God to help us do it?
If Christ the Son of God needed to pray, how much more do we need to pray?