Day 26
BIBLE READING: James 3:1-12
We have been saying that James has a message for us today just as much as he had for first century Christians. Isn't it interesting that we today are the same kind of people they were? As James said in verse 2 'We all stumble in many ways'. And in stumbling, we hurt other people as well as ourselves.
James speaks about one thing in our lives which can hurt people most of all. We all know that the sting of one wrong word can be felt for years afterwards. One short statement can turn another life sour. We can all look back and remember things we should never have said, or we remember something someone else has said about us that has stayed on in our minds and hearts.
James says that the tongue is one of the smaller parts of our bodies, but it can do more damage than many of the larger parts. It is like the small bit in a horse's mouth or like the smaller rudder of a large ship - small but tremendously powerful.
How then, can we control our tongues? Behind the tongue is the heart. When the heart is controlled by Christ and his Holy Spirit, we are on the way toward controlling this strong member, the tongue.
Remember that our tongues can be just as powerful in the service of Christ as they can be any other use. They can be used for witnessing, for words of love and comfort and encouragement. Our tongues are ours to use for Christ and for his service. Best of all Christ is willing to help us use them for his glory. Why not make that our ambition now and always.
Set a guard O Lord over my mouth. Keep watch over the door of my lips.(Psalm 141:3.)