2008年5月4日 星期日

2008-05-04 Devotionals Today


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第 4 天








Day 4

BIBLE READING: Mark 8:27-38

It is interesting to notice the place where Jesus first asked these tremendous questions. ('who do men say that I am?'.) It was in the area of Caesarea Philippi, a place that had been build in honour of the Roman Emperor, Caesar. Right there Christ asked these searching questions. He is still asking them today.

The answer to the first question could be summed up this way: 'most people think you are a great man, as great as many others have been'. Many people today put Christ on the same level as others who lived in the past. But they will not think of him as the Son of God and God's last word to the world.

The second question was more personal. He had recently opened the physical eyes of a blind man (8:22-26). Now he wanted to know if the spiritual eyes of his own disciples were open. There may have been a moment of silence. Then Peter burst out with his tremendous confession. 'You are the Christ-the one you promised would come. You are the one anointed by God.'

It was a great statement and every word was true. Christ then went on a talk about his coming death on the cross. The person of Christ and his sacrificial death at Calvary for us can never be separated. Even in heaven, John heard the song, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain'.

This is Christ's great question today. 'Who do you say Jesus Christ is? Is he the Son of God or only a great man?' Your answer will determine your salvation and where you will spend eternity. If you have never done so before, will you quietly bow your head now and say, ' Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God and that you died for me at Calvary'. You are the Son of God and that you died for me at Calvary'. Do it now and a new life in Christ will begin for you today.
