Day 11
BIBLE READING: Exodus 20:1-17
These Ten Commandments are the basis or foundation of all the other laws given by God to the Children of Israel. No one was ever able to keep them perfectly (except our Lord Jesus) and no one can today.
When Christ died, he paid the penalty which was on us for breaking God's laws. We have salvation today through Christ and not through trying to keep the law.
It is interesting however to see that nine out of ten of these laws are repeated in the New Testament epistles. The one which is repeated concerns the Sabbath. That was part of God's agreement with the Jews. Today we worship on Sunday, the first day of the week, the day on which Christ rose from the dead.
However, there are many of these nine points which we do keep today simply because we love God. Love fulfils God's law, not because it is forced to do so but because it wants to do these things (see Romans 13:8-10).
For example if you really love God, will you want any other god? If you love God's name, you won't use it in swearing or blasphemy. If you love God, you will surely find it easy to love your parents and your neighbours. You will never commit adultery, if your heart is filled with love for God and for the partner he has given you. You will never covet what other people have, if your heart is satisfied with love for God. Love fulfils the law, not because it has to, but because it is the nature of love to obey.
How can our hearts be filled with love? I can't love people like I should, but Jesus Christ can. If I let him live his life through me, it will be a life of love that pleases God and fulfils all his commandments.
Love this world through me, Lord.