2008年5月8日 星期四

2008-05-08 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語

第 8 天





  1. 爭戰



  2. 禱告



  3. 勝利



Day 8

BIBLE READING: Exodus 17:8-16

How long after you became a Christian, did you discover you still had problems and temptations? Was it a shock to you to find you had an enemy, Satan? The people of Israel had to learn this truth, too.

Israel had left Egypt about a month before this story took place. Now suddenly they discovered that not all their enemies were left behind in Egypt. Here is one who opposed them in the very road God had planned they should take.

Notice the points in the story:

  1. Conflict
  2. The Amalekites were descended from Esau. They were tribes people who controlled that area. At first they attacked only stragglers (see Deuteronomy 25:17-18). Now they opened attacked the whole nation.

    Amalek tried to stop God's people going on their way. In this, Amalek represents the flesh, our old sinful nature which tries to stop God's people going on their way. In this, Amalek represents the flesh, our old sinful nature which tries to stop us going on with God.

  3. Intercession
  4. How was Amalek to be met and conquered? By claiming God's power over the enemy. Moses held up the rod, symbol of God's power and presence, and without doubt, he was praying at the same time. This is what Christ is doing for us now. It is his present ministry for us (Hebrews 7:25).

    But Moses was only human and he soon became tired (v.12). He needed someone like Aaron and Hur to stand along-side him. We can be greatly helped day by day those who stand with us in daily prayer for us.

  5. Victory
  6. Israel was victorious that day. Later they tried to flight Amalek in their own strength and were defeated. God's strength is given in answer to believing prayer. Only as we stand in this strength can we even win against our enemies today. Dare we begin to really learn that truth?
