2008年5月15日 星期四

2008-05-15 Devotionals Today


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第 15 天








Day 15

BIBLE READING: Mark 9:30-41

The Glory Mountain and the miracle of healing were followed by two very different stories. First Christ spoke about his death and resurrection and the disciples argued over who was going to be the greatest among them.

This was at least the second or third time that Christ had tried to tell the disciples that he was on his way to Jerusalem to die. Why didn't they believe him? Why didn't they understand? One reason is that they didn't want to. They could only think of an earthly kingdom and they wanted to be the leaders in it.

But our ways are not always God's ways. Christ had come into this world to die and there was no way the cross could be avoided. The disciples didn't want their dreams to end that way, but this was God's plan. Later they came to understand it and to thank God for it all.

We don't always understand God's plans for our lives. Sometimes when it seem as if we are facing our own personal cross, we feel that we don't want that road at all. Yet it may be God's way for us just then. Later we will see the reason for it and enter into the blessing he had planned for us.

Remember too that if we want to be used by God, we need to be humble rather than filled with pride. We need to learn the secret of verse 35 - 'if anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all, and, the servant of all'. That is not easy for any of us. But it is the way the Master went, should not the servant tread it still?
