2008年9月28日 星期日

2008-09-28 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   使徒行傳一章15至26節






Day 28

Bible Reading:   Acts 1:15-26

The disciples had returned from the Mount of Olives after witnessing one of the most remarkable happenings-the ascension of Christ. Now what should they do? Christ had given them certain instructions but does not seem to have set a date for the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Notice first of all where the disciples stayed. Christ said (v. 4) 'Don't leave Jerusalem'. Left to themselves this is what they probably would have done. Some would have gone back to their homes in Galilee. Others would have gone elsewhere.

But they obeyed Christ and stayed together in Jerusalem. This was the spiritual centre of Israel but that was not the real reason they should remain there. Christ had repeatedly told the disciples (see John 14, 15 and 16) that the Holy Spirit would come. Now Christ has told them that they must wait for the Holy Spirit's coming. Then they would have the power they needed for serving their Lord.

How did they spend the waiting time? At the beginning of the church, they spent ten days in prayer. It was waiting time but a time of expectation too. They had wonderful fellowship and as they talked together, they felt led to replace Judas. In doing this they went as far as they could, then left the final decision with the Lord.

This group of disciples became the foundation members of the church. They have left us a wonderful example of obedience, of prayer, of patience, and of willingness to walk with the Lord. Think about your church today. What kind of example are you leaving behind?
