So many people have taken this passage and made it mean something that was not intended by the writer. It is a very strong warning and continues the thought of the previous chapter. Each Christian is urged to go on with Christ. If we do not go on with Christ we remain spiritual babies. We fail to fulfil one of God's greatest purposes in saving us. But what do verses 4 to 8 really mean? Who are these verses talking about? Notice the things that are said about these people. 1. They had been enlightened-that is, informed of the gospel. 2. They had tasted, but not eaten. 3. They had been with those who were blessed. 4. Then they had fallen away. All these things can be true of a person who has not really been born again. They may look like Christians, they may even act like Christians, but God knows they are not his children. If they never came through to Christ, they are lost. If later they turned their backs on Christ, they would be worse off than ever because they had turned away from their only hope of salvation. But so that the Christians who read this letter would not be discouraged, the writer said in verse 9 'beloved, we are sure of better things about you'. In other words, they had been truly born again. Now they should continue in their faith no matter how difficult the way. That word is for us too. Having begun with Christ, our greatest aim should be to go on with him day by day. A PRAYER FOR TODAY: 'Lord help me to press on with you today!' |