2008年7月24日 星期四

2008-07-24 Devotionals Today


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DAY 24

BIBLE READING: Revelation 4:1-10

This is a beautiful picture of heaven and of what we will all see one day by the grace of God. Here Christ is seen upon his throne. There are many stories and jokes about who will meet us at the gate of heaven. But whenever anyone has had a glimpse of heaven, the first sight that has met their eyes is Christ on his throne-not the gate, not the people, but Christ himself.

John heard a voice saying 'Come up higher'. So God's family will hear Christ's voice when he comes again and takes away his own. We read that the Lord will descend from heaven with a shout and we will hear him say 'Come'. What a wonderful moment that will be.

What did John see in heaven after he had seen -Christ on the throne? He saw living creatures, or beings and 24 elders. It is usually thought that these 24 elders represent the church of the New Testament. The Church will be there complete for the first time since it began on the day of Pentecost and we will all be there-those who have already gone on to heaven and those who remain alive until Jesus Christ comes.

This group cast their crowns down at the feet of Jesus Christ. They recognised him as the one-the only one worthy of their-honour and praise. We are not told all that we will be doing when we get home to glory, but it will be wonderful to be in the presence of Christ and to share in heaven with him.

What is the next great event in God's program for this world? It is not the entire destruction of the world by one country or another. God will renew this world in his own time, but the next great event is the return of Jesus Christ from heaven to take all his church-his bride-to be in heaven with him. When will he come? Any day? Any time? It could be today. Are you watching and waiting for him as he told us to do?
