2008年7月17日 星期四

2008-07-17 Devotionals Today


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DAY 17

BIBLE READING: Revelation 2:1-7

The first three chapters of Revelation present Christ as Lord of the Church. Here are Christ's words spoken from the throne. He speaks to seven local churches in particular, but there is a wider application which comes to us today.

The condition of each church is lovingly described. The eye of Christ looks beyond what everyone else sees and he speaks to each church as he sees its need.

The Lord says 'I know'. He says it to all the churches. It is a wonderful, yet solemn truth. He knows the devoted service of his children in his Church. There seems to have been some very faithful servants of Christ in the Ephesian church.

Christ said he knew about their suffering too. It costs to stand faithfully for Christ. There are always those who will turn against you. He also knew about the way in which they had stood for the truth. Read Acts 19:19 again and see how this church began so wonderfully in burning the magic books they used for worship. They saw through those who tried to bring any error into the church. These men tested what others said by the Word of God.

But having said all this, Christ said that the church had been a disappointment because It had left or lost its first love. That danger comes to all of us. Are we as much In love with Christ today as when we first came to him? Are we as eager to do his will and his work as we once were? Our greatest danger is not that we might stray away from the truth of God's Word, but that we might become cold and dead in our worship and service. That is what had happened to the church at Ephesus.

Why had this happened? Because the church had neglected its outreach to those who were lost. Christ said, 'Go back to the beginning and do the things you used to do then. Be a witness. Be on fire. Let others see your love for me. Or else I will have to remove my blessing from your church.'

Those are strong words, aren't they? Do they have anything to say to us today?
