2008年7月4日 星期五

2008-07-04 Devotionals Today


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BIBLE READING: 1 Corinthians 1:17-24

The cross of Christ is the central point of the Gospel. Our message must always include both Christ's death and his resurrection. The cross is also the central point of God's dealings with us. When we ask for salvation, the Holy Spirit leads us to the cross. When we realise the need for victory, the Holy Spirit leads us to the cross. When we need to be reminded of the love of God, the Holy Spirit tells us to look again at the cross.

This is what Paul is saying to the Corinthians, 'The message you needed was the cross. You still need the same message. Don't add anything to it. Don't take anything from it. Let it stand alone.'

That message did not please the Jews, however. They asked for signs (v.22). A sign is something we can see. Many people still ask for the same proof today. 'How can you say there is a God? Show him to me', they say. But God says that is not the way of faith. God says, 'You believe the story of the cross and accept that my Son died for you, then I will prove myself to you'.

When the Jews asked for a sign, they usually wanted to see a miracle. Satan even suggested this to Christ. His brothers also gave the same advice. People today often say, 'Give me an experience and I will believe'. God says, 'You believe and experience will follow'.

Paul said, 'the Greeks search for wisdom'. They were men who tried to work out for themselves how they could find God. They rejected the simple message of the cross and said 'we will find our own way to approach God'. God says the only way to come is by way of the cross. Men may not like it.They may think it is too simple or even silly. God says it is the only way.

Those who believe in this message find out its power in their lives. Those who reject it discover too late that it was the only way they could be saved from sin for all eternity.
