BIBLE READING: 1 Corinthians 3:5-9
Christ has all kinds of workers in his service. There is the evangelist or missionary. There is the pastor or teacher. Each has a place to fill. Trouble will come if these servants become jealous of each other or if a group begins to think more highly of one worker than the other.
That was the trouble in Corinth. They failed to recognise that Christians have different gifts and different tasks. One man was to sow the seed. Another was to water it. Another was to feed it. But more important than the work of any of these men was the fact that it was God alone who gave the increase and growth. No one else can do that.
So then all we really are is workers together with God. Notice v.9. Three times in this verse the name of God comes first. We are God's fellow workers, God's field and God's building.
The whole emphasis is on God. We are nothing but instruments in his hand. He could have done his work without us, but he has chosen not to do so. He could have used angels, but instead he has given us the high privilege of making known the good news and of helping each other grow in Christ.
Notice it says we are 'God's field'. It really means God's ploughed soil. We, ourselves, are the place where God is working. He wants to work in us so that he can work through us to bring about a harvest.
We are also said to be God's building. If God is building our lives, then he has a master plan that hoe is working to. He is not finished yet. He is working and building toward the day when we will be all 'that he wants us to be-that will be when Jesus comes again.
Remember now - we are workers together with God.