DAY 19
BIBLE READING: Revelation 2:12-17
The city of Pergamos was the northernmost of the seven church-cities. Paul had visited there. It was also one of the wealthiest cities in that part of the old world. What did Christ say to this church?
'I know where you live.' Isn't that a great thought? Do you live in a place where it is hard to be a Christian? Do you work in such a place? The Christians at Pergamos did and Christ said he knew all about it. Do you think that sometimes your circumstances excuse you from always being faithful to Christ? They do not, because Christ is able to help you no matter where you live or where you work.
They lived where Satan was active. Satan is a definite person-a fallen angel. He has tremendous power, but he is not as great as Christ. Christ can deal with him because he broke Satan's power at the cross. He can do it for us now if we will allow him.
The witness of this church was being spoiled by some wrong attitudes and practices. Balaam was one who had taught that there was no reason why God's people could not mingle with the world and marry unbelievers. This is a compromise which God still hates and does not want to see in his children. He wants us to be completely separate from the world In our standards even though we continue to live in this world. We are to witness to the world.
In closing Christ gave three wonderful promises to the Pergamos church. Manna Is a type of Christ. Hidden manna speaks of secret nourishment for our spiritual lives. The white stone speaks of forgiveness and friendship. Christ freely gives us these today. The new name he gives us is his own-we become his when we accept him and we take his name as our own. Are we keeping that name clean?
Christ says, " know where you live'.