It is so easy to misunderstand what is said in letters, isn't it? Hindsight is always much better than foresight, isn't it? It seems that some of the Christians at Thessalonica had the order of events twisted regarding Christ's return. Paul had talked to them when he was there. He had sent a letter which must have been misread because Paul had to write again to correct two wrong impressions. One was that Christ had already come. Did someone else also write to mislead them? (v.2) Paul said, "No." Christ had not come and before He finally appears as king and ruler, the anti-Christ would appear. He would be a man of sin, a lawless and arrogant dictator. No one could mistake him for Christ who would ultimately destroy this evil being. Some Christians had given up their employment (3:11) and were sitting around waiting for Christ to come. Again their behaviour was wrong. Our attitude towards Christ's coming should be: 1. We are certain He is coming again. 2. We do not know when - it could be anytime. 3. We have work to do until then. We have to (i) provide for our own and our family needs. (ii) spread the Gospel as much as we can. We are thrilled to think that we may see Christ soon. Are we just as thrilled to realize that we must give an account of our stewardship from now until then? One of the tragedies concerning the Jewish people was that they failed to see they were stewards of the truth God had revealed. They thought of themselves as the (selfish) possessors of it and did not want to share their privileged position. Paul reminded us of our responsibility as stewards to those who are lost. Let's be faithful now and everyday till we see Him. IT MAY BE TODAY! |