2009年9月23日 星期三

2009-09-23 Devotionals Today


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讀經:   約伯記一章13至22節







Day 23

Bible Reading:   Job 1: 13-22
Once God gave him permission, Satan wasted no time in attacking Job. The last verses of this chapter are a tragic account of complete devastation. Satan obviously has power to stir up and use people. The Sabeans stole Job's cattle. Lightning or something similar struck the sheep. Chaldeans stole the vast herd of valuable camels.

But the worst news was yet to come. A tornado wrecked the house where Job's sons and daughters were eating together, possibly at a birthday party. The house collapsed, killing all ten. What a headline that would make in today's newspapers!

Satan took cruel advantage of God's permission, but failed in his purpose to wreck Job's faith. Look at Job's response in verses 21-22. He gave us those words often repeated today at Christian funerals,

"The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, may the name of the Lord be praised." His faith and submission to God stood firm. He was weeping, but worshipping, a strong example for us all.

If Satan had his own way, every believer would be in similar circumstances to Job. Not all suffering comes from Satan of course. Some of them we bring on ourselves. But Satan will do his best to bring us down, given the slightest opportunity.

But God's protection is over us. He will not allow us to be tempted above what we can stand, if we appropriate his grace and strength. Turn to 1 Corinthians 10:13 and mark that encouraging verse in your Bible now. Take that verse as God's promise to you in any time of testing.

How can we be aware of Satan's tactics? Whenever a situation suddenly arises for which there seems to be no human reason, ask yourself the question: Is Satan behind this, fanning it into a serious problem? He could well be.

At the same time ask for the Lord's protection. Stay close to Him in prayer and Bible reading. Don't let Satan win the day. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.

