2009年9月22日 星期二

2009-09-22 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   約伯記一章6至12節







Day 22

Bible Reading:   Job 1:6-12
This is scene 2 in the book of Job. It took place in Heaven, not on earth. It was a scene which was hidden from Job but it was the beginning of all his troubles.

The angels had come before God to give an account of their service. But we find Satan among them! Who let him in? The answer is "God did". God was still in control and always will be. Satan cannot do anything unless God gives permission. Satan may bring about the test, but it is God who allows it.

Did you notice it was God who drew Satan's attention to Job? There was no reason to punish Job. No reason to condemn. God was saying, "Here's a man you've tried to tempt but you haven't been successful."

In reply Satan showed his character. He slandered Job to God. "Why shouldn't he worship you? Look what you've done for him. You've blessed him with plenty of land and cattle. No wonder he worships you. You've bribed him."

God answered Satan's slander by saying (v.12) "All right, I will take away the hedge you say is around him. But you cannot touch Job himself." We will see both Satan's response and Job's response in the remainder of this chapter.

Already we have a glimpse of what is behind attacks on God's people. Satan is called the Accuser and he is still doing it! But even more he probing and testing trying to find a place where he can enter and seek to take control. Peter calls him a prowling lion, looking for someone to attack.

Paul tells us of our need of the armour of God. He says we need it in full all the time. Each piece of that armour is especially important. Perhaps the two most important are the breastplate of righteousness and the shield of faith. The first one speaks of holy living. If our lives are not what they should be - if sin is lurking somewhere hidden, Satan will find that spot and seek to make us fail. The shield reminds us that we will be attacked by the fiery darts of doubt, criticism and insult, but our faith in God will keep us from falling. Let's make sure we have our full armour on!

