2009年9月20日 星期日

2009-09-20 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   提摩太後書四章1至8節






Day 20

Bible Reading:   2 Timothy 4: 1-8
How many times have these verses been used in an induction or ordination service? They sound so familiar to us but they still contain one of the strongest challenges ever given to a Christian minister.

They could be given however to any Christian worker.

A minister "wears many different hats". He is a preacher, teacher, manager, counsellor, and sometimes church caretaker. But his first responsibility is to preach the Word - to make sure that whenever God's people meet, he has a word for them from the Lord, based on a portion of Scripture. It is easier to give a nice talk that doesn't bother anyone and sends them away feeling happy. But is that what God wants those people to hear?

Paul warned about this in verse 5. The time is coming - in the last days (are they where we are right now?) that people will want preachers who will tell them what they want to hear, but again it may not be the word of God.

Paul recognises it may not be easy. He tells Timothy and us too, to do it with great patience and careful instruction. He adds that we need to give a word of encouragement along with the plain teaching of the truth. Many who come to our services need that. They may have had a hard week, they may be facing serious problems themselves or in their families. Let them find in the preaching of the word of God a promise which will encourage them to face the days ahead and to leave their problems with the Lord.

"Do the work of an evangelist." In other words, don't be afraid to preach the whole Gospel. Men and women need to be faced with their sins and their need of Christ. All of the above may not fit into every message, but in the course of a ministry not one of these parts can be omitted. Paul adds, "Fully perform all the duties of your ministry."

Now the old warrior takes a look at what was ahead - his martyrdom for Christ. He could look back without regret; he could look ahead without fear. A departure from this life meant arriving in Heaven and a loving welcome from Christ Himself. What more could any believer ever want? Lord helps us to be faithful to the end.

