2009年9月19日 星期六

2009-09-19 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   提摩太後書三章10至17節






Day 19

Bible Reading:   2 Timothy 3: 1 0-17
There is a marked contrast between the first nine verses of this chapter and our reading today. Those previous verses show the results in the lives of those who have turned away from God. Paul warns that this will only become worse and worse in the last days before Christ returns.

But Paul recognises that Timothy's life and ministry were very different. He had grown up in a Christian home and had early learned the way of life. That in itself is a tremendous advantage. It is tragic today that so few young people have had that privilege. Our Sunday Schools and youth work are still among the most important activities in any church.

Paul stresses the nature of what he calls the Holy Scriptures. He plainly states that they came from God (v.16) through men of God. The word inspired really means "God-breathed". We may not know exactly how God energized the writers but the Holy Spirit superintended their writing so that what was written was God's word. This did not do away with their personality. It was not dictation. It was the Spirit moving them to write God's message. Look at 2 Peter 1:21 for another way to describe this inspiration.

Four ways are mentioned here in which the Scriptures are invaluable. They are for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. Teaching reminds us that this is the book from which we learn our doctrine. Many cults put their own textbook alongside the Bible. One test of a cult is what place it gives to the Word of God?

Then it is the book the Holy Spirit uses to rebuke us when we sin. The Psalmist asked the simple question: "How can a young man (or anyone) keep his way pure? By living according to your word." The Holy Spirit uses the word of God to convict us of sin. Again it is clear we need to spend time reading and studying the Word itself.

For correction - the Scriptures not only convict but they show us how to live and what to believe. When heresy arises, the Word of God will show us the real truth. We need training in the things of God - the Word is there to do that for us also. What a wonderful, powerful book - the gift of God to meet our needs as we live the Christian life.

