2008年10月23日 星期四

2008-10-23 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   路得記一章8至18節







Day 23

Bible Reading:   Ruth 1:8-18

After her husband, Elimelech, and her two boys died, Naomi decided to return to her own land (v. 6). She heard that the Lord had visited his people and her actions became a good example of faith. She heard the good tidings, and believed them. Then she acted upon them-she arose and went back. You can easily imagine Naomi and her daughters-in-law selling their furniture and their house-then saying goodbye to the neighbours and starting out. It is hard sometimes to leave those we have come to love but God can give something better in the place of the things we leave.

As they turned for the last look at the city where they had lived Naomi said to the two girls, 'Listen girls, I appreciate you coming with me, but I feel you ought to go back to your friends and loved ones. I have no prospects in the land I am returning to. There are none for you. I think you had better go back.' Here was the testing place. It comes in the life of every professing Christian-the Lord allows it to test our sincerity and love. It is the sifting of the grain and the chaff. Orpah couldn't stand the test. She bade them goodbye-and returned to the land of Moab.

But listen to Ruth, 'No I am not going back. Please don't make me. Wherever you go, I will go. Your people will be my people and your God, my God.' Aren't those wonderful words? They could be said by someone accepting Christ and giving their lives to him. 'Wherever you lead me, I will go. I will make your people my people and God will always be my God, no matter where he may lead me.' That is commitment and that is what God asks for from everyone of us. Half-hearted commitment is not really commitment at all. It is only as we give ourselves wholeheartedly to Christ that he can bless us and use us. Remember the words of Romans 12:1-2-'Present your bodies (and everything we are and have) wholly unto the Lord'. That is the way of blessing.


'Lord help me always to choose the right path-the path of your will. I
