2008年10月13日 星期一

2008-10-13 Devotionals Today


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讀經:   約翰壹書一章5至10節





Day 13

Bible Reading:   1 John 1:5-10

God is light. Isn't that a wonderful description of God? John also says in another place that God is love, and that God is life. Light speaks of his perfection. Love speaks of his character, and life speaks of his power.

John says that in God there is no darkness at all. When we get out of fellowship with God, a cloud comes between us. We know in our own hearts that something is wrong. The fault is always on our side- never on God's. We will see at the end of this chapter how God has provided a way for that cloud to be removed.

Notice verse 6 'If we say we have fellowship with him'. How do we say that? By our words of course but also by our lives and our actions. We identify ourselves with the people of God and by doing so, say that we are in fellowship with the Father. We can say it by the service we give in the church or elsewhere and in many other ways. But if there is an absence of Christian living to go with that outward profession of fellowship then John says plainly that we are not telling the truth. The word 'walk' in this verse means to walk continuously. The person who keeps on walking in darkness hasn't really changed even though he says he is a Christian. Sin is still the daily habit of his life. One real proof that a person has been converted is in the change that comes in his or her life style and habits and desires.

John speaks twice concerning the way of forgiveness- in verses 7 and 9. Here is the way into continued blessing. First comes confession. This is a personal matter with a personal, understanding Father. Then comes forgiveness, which God alone can give. Finally there is cleansing. How often do we need this cleansing? As often as we sin and as often as we are conscious of our need.

It is hard for us sometimes to accept the simplicity of all this. There is nothing left for us to do. Christ has done it all. Yet at the same time there comes a tremendous responsibility on our part to live as Christ would have us live, and to make sure that nothing stays between us and him. The way of forgiveness is always there. It starts with the confession of our sin. Do you need it today?
