2008年10月19日 星期日

2008-10-19 Devotionals Today


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讀經:   約翰壹書三章24節至四章6節







Day 19

Bible Reading:   1 John 3:24 to 4:6

People often ask the question 'How do we know one religion is right and not the others?' In these verses John gives us three answers which will always help us to see if a group or a person is teaching the truth as it is in the Word of God.

In verse 24 of chapter three, John speaks about the indwelling Spirit. So first ask the one who is teaching some particular truth, 'What place do you give to the Holy Spirit?' Many groups will not recognise the Holy Spirit as a person. Many Christians either do not speak very much about the Holy Spirit or they over-emphasise teaching about him. When he has his rightful place he will glorify Jesus Christ, not himself.

The second test John gives is this-does this group or person believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came in human flesh? It is not just that a person named Jesus lived a long time ago-but was he the Son of God in human form? Many will speak about Jesus Christ being a wonderful man but he was more than that. He was God himself. Ask the person teaching you 'What do you think of Jesus Christ?' Then you will know what his group believes about Christ.

Thirdly in verses 5 and 6, John speaks of the Bible, the inspired Word of God. He does not mention the Bible, but he speaks about knowing what God has said and that is found in the Bible. Again ask the group or person this question 'What do you think about the Bible? Do you say I need another book as well as the Bible to tell me about God?'

Of course we need to do more than just believe in these three truths. We need to practise what we believe. Do we believe that Jesus Christ is God's Son? Then he should be Lord of our lives in everything. Do we believe in the indwelling Holy Spirit? Then we should allow him to work in our lives. Do we believe in the written Word of God? How much do we read it and how much do we obey what we read?


Lord help me to recognise right teaching and wrong teaching according to your Word.
