2008年10月12日 星期日

2008-10-12 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   約翰壹書一章1至4節





Day 12

Bible Reading:   1 John 1:1-4

What makes John's writing different from any other in the New Testament? Paul very often emphasized the position of the church and the application of that truth. Peter, James and Jude all write generally of conditions within the church. But John says 'This is a family matter. Would you come here while I talk with the family about all of this?'

The difference is in John himself. He was possibly the one closest to Christ during Christ's time on earth. He was the 'disciple whom Jesus loved'. In many ways he was the one who knew Christ the best.

Out of this came a knowledge and appreciation of the person of Christ which remained with John all his life. When he came to write his books, it was the person of Christ that he wrote about. We could put the first words of this letter and the first words of John's gospel like this 'Christ was alive when the world began, yet I myself have seen him with my own eyes and I have listened to him speak. I have touched him with my own hands.' That is the voice of experience. Our faith is founded on the Word of God, not just on experience, yet it is out of our experience that we can give our testimony of what Christ really means to us. We can say 'I know it is all true because I have met Christ for myself'.

So one of the first thoughts that John gives us is that of certainty, or as we often call it, assurance. We will see how many times John says 'We know'- that is assurance. He also speaks of fellowship- Christian fellowship. When we share Christ with someone else we are having fellowship. It can be one of the most enriching experiences in our lives. It builds relationships with other Christians and it strengthens our own faith. We all need to develop this relationship more. It is what is needed in our lonely world today. Even Christians can be lonely. We need each other. Fellowship helps us to keep thinking of spiritual things rather than the things of the world which crowd in on us.

May God bless this little epistle to the strengthening of our faith and our fellowship.
