2008年12月6日 星期六

2008-12-06 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   以賽亞書五十九章16至21節







Day 6

Bible Reading:   Isaiah 59:16-21
The second part of verse 19 in the Authorised (King James) version reads 'When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him'. That sentence is one of the most encouraging verses in the Bible. It has been used thousands of times by Christians in all ages and circumstances. It was spoken by Isaiah to the Jews in Jerusalem about 600 years before Christ came to Bethlehem, but the principle involved is still the same today.

Isaiah was speaking of the coming judgment which would overtake Jerusalem and the captivity in Babylon that would follow. This experience would look as if God had deserted his people and had allowed Satan to have a great victory. Isaiah said 'No, when that happens watch and see what God will do'.

Satan can only go so far. He can only go as far as God will allow him. He has only limited power, although he would like us to think he is all powerful. There is a barrier across his pathway. That barrier is God's power and will.

Many a Christian has proved this truth. They have known the buffeting of Satan and it seemed as though he was going over them like a great flood. It seemed to them as if all was lost, that their faith in God was about to weaken, then suddenly the Lord intervened and victory came.

The words 'lift up a standard' mean to make a strong resistance. They could be translated 'put him to flight', although they can also mean that God will breathe out his own power and strength against the enemy.

Sometimes God works openly and we can all see what he is doing. At other times he works silently at the very heart of the problem and only the eye of faith can see his work. Always he is there standing with those whose faith and trust is in him.

Take hold of these words today and remember them when Satan attacks with all his strength. Don't let your memory forget this promise. Keep it before you and claim it as your heritage as a child of God.
