2008年12月3日 星期三

2008-12-03 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   以賽亞書五十三章7至12節



這章經文提供了許多有關祂受死的細節。第8 節告訴我們,祂所接受的審訊是何等不公。第9節指出,判祂死刑的人,原本打算將祂與其他一同釘十架的囚犯同葬,但最終,卻有一位有錢人將祂埋葬在他本人的墓穴中。事實亦一如預言所說的那樣發生。





Day 3

Bible Reading:   Isaiah 53:7-12
Silence under suffering is not easy for humans. Why was Christ silent? (v. 7). Because he knew his suffering and death were all in the will of God and he accepted it as such.

He could easily have avoided being arrested. He could have slipped away in the darkness in the Garden of Gethsemane. Those who came to arrest him and even his disciples seemed to find it difficult to understand his quiet surrender.

His judges could not understand him either. Pilate could not believe that Jesus had nothing to say for himself. Herod was very disappointed in his silence.

But Christ was the Lamb of God. Just as a Iamb does not fight back so he quietly faced death without any cry or complaint. He said he was laying down his life. It was not being taken from him against his will.

There are many other details of his death given here in this chapter. Verse 8 tells us how wrong his trial would be. Verse 9 says his executioners would plan to bury him in a common grave with others who would be crucified at the same time. But this would not happen. Instead of being flung into a pit with others, a rich person would come and bury him in his own prepared grave. That is exactly what happened.

It is obvious from verses 10 and 11 that he would be alive after his death-in other words resurrection! Notice verse 11 says he would actually see the results of his own work. He could only do that if he were alive again.

In verse 12 God says he will give him great rewards for his work. How could this be true if he were not alive again after his death?

The whole chapter is a marvellous picture of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ written under the inspiration of the Spirit of God 600 years before it all happened. How wonderful is the power of God.

Put your own name into some of these verses and see for yourself the wonder of Christ's suffering and death for you.
