2008年12月20日 星期六

2008-12-20 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   歌羅西書四章2至6節







Day 20

Bible Reading:   Colossians 4:2-6
Now near the end of his epistle Paul has a few commands for the church members. Here are four of them: 1. Continue in prayer; 2. Walk in wisdom; 3. Redeem the time; 4. Speak with grace.

Paul never wrote a letter without speaking about prayer. It was very important to him and it ought to be just as important I in the life of every Christian. To maintain our daily walk with Christ we need that time of prayer. These moments spent with him somehow keep us in touch with him and what he wants us to do. Praying is not always easy. Sometimes our prayers seem unanswered and our words don't seem to be reaching heaven. But that is the time to continue, rather than stop praying.

Paul adds several words concerning prayer in these verses. He says 'Be alert or wide awake. Be thankful. Pray for others. Ask for definite requests.'

Now, what does walking in wisdom mean? Paul is saying we need to be careful how we act and how we react in front of non-Christians. It is so easy for us to do the wrong thing and perhaps put a stumbling block in front of unsaved friends. We need the Lord's wisdom day by day to behave as we should. Remember we are the 'world's Bible'. They don't read God's Word but they do watch us. ,

Redeeming the time is another way of saying 'Buy up every opportunity'. But remember buying includes payment. Often an opportunity comes when it is really inconvenient. Part of the cost of serving Christ may be found here. It is so easy to, say 'I haven't the time right now'. When we do have the time the opportunity may be gone for ever.

Our speaking too should reflect Christ. If our language is harsh or bitter or critical it will not speak of Christ. Sometimes we will have to speak firmly, but that does not mean with anger. Speaking the truth in love is the standard Christ wants us to follow.

How do we match up to this checklist for church members?
