我們已來到了「天天天糧」讀經與默想系列的最後一天,有甚麼更好的總結方式能勝過展望將來──耶穌基督的再來──這教會最大的盼望。耶穌升天之後,第一個從天而來的信息,就是藉著天使向驚疑的眾門徒說:「你們見祂怎樣往天上去,祂還要怎樣來。」(徒一11)我們從天上得到的最後一個書面信息,也是指向同一個真理:「是了,我必快來!」(啟二十二20)由使徒行傳第一章至啟示錄第二十二章之間,有數百處經文提到這個偉大的真理。 這個真理帶給我們安慰。你曾經失去摯愛的親人嗎?保羅這樣論及基督再來這事實說:「所以,你們當用這些話彼此勸慰。」(帖前四18)我們是否看見人人都受罪的捆綁?聖經告訴我們:「有這些事,你們就當挺身昂首,因為你們得贖的日子近了。」(路二十一28) 這應許是基督祂必再來。這位曾在水面上行走、曾醫治病人、使瞎子看見、曾伸手觸摸並醫治痳瘋病人、曾使死人復活的,就是將來必定要再來的那位;這位拯救你脫離罪惡並為你我捨棄性命的,就是將來必定再來的那位。 有關祂再來的時間,可能有很多不同的分歧和看法。我們很可能會太關注細節,卻忽略了這榮耀真理本身。倘若我們所愛的人要從海外回來,我們當然會被歸期牽動;但當他/她到達時,我們便會與他/她欣喜相見,在快樂的重聚中那時間表竟被全然忘懷。 當祂再來的時候,已死的信徒將要復活,那些仍然活著的信徒將會被提,永遠與主同在。我們如今該以甚麼態度活著呢?我們要尋求祂、為祂而活並為祂作工。那麼,當祂再來的時候,我們便不會羞於見祂的面了。願神成全我們的心願。 |
We have come to our final reading and meditation in our series Day by Day with the Bible. What better way to conclude than to think of what is ahead - the return of Jesus Christ - the greatest hope of the church. The first message from heaven after Jesus ascended is found in the words of the angels to the wondering disciples, "This same Jesus shall come back in the same way you have seen Him go." (Acts 1:11) The last written message from heaven says exactly the same truth, "Yes I am coming soon." (v. 20) Between Acts 1 and Revelation 22 there are hundreds of references to this tremendous truth. It is a message of comfort. Have you lost a loved one? Paul speaks of the fact of Christ's return in this way, "Wherefore comfort one another with these words." (1 Thessalonians 4:18) Do we see sin abounding on every hand? TheBible replies, "When you see these things come to pass, lift up your heads for your redemption is drawing near." (Luke 21:28) The promise is that Christ Himself shall return. The one who walked on water, the one who healed the sick and made the blind to see, the one who reached out and touched and healed the lepers, the one who could raise the dead, will also be the same one who will return. The one, who saved you from your sin by giving His life for you and me, will be the same one who will return. There may be strong divergence in the various views concerning the timetable of His coming. It is possible to be so involved in the details that we overlook the glorious fact itself. If a loved one was returning from overseas, we would certainly be guided by the timetable, but when that loved one arrived, we would be so glad to see him or her that the timetable would be forgotten in the joy of reunion. When He comes, the believers who have passed away will be resurrected and those still living will be caught up to be forever with the Lord. What should be our attitude now? We should be looking for Him, living for Him and labouring for Him. Then we will not be ashamed before Him at His coming. May God grant that will be so. |